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Transform, Grow, Restore

My  —  



Hey there! Looking for some guidance and support during a challenging time? Well, you've come to the right place! At Cosmic Tarot, I'm all about providing you with the help, empowerment, and compassionate guidance you need, tailored specifically to your unique situation.


My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself, tackling whatever challenges brought you here in the first place. During our sessions, I'll dive deep into the details, making sure we make the most of our time together. I take pride in creating a personalized experience just for you, with empathy and intuition as my guiding lights.


As a Tarot advisor, my specialty lies in working with LGBTQ individuals and those from traditionally marginalized communities who feel lost in the daily demands of our society. If you're stuck and unsure how to move forward authentically, I'm here to help. Together, we'll uncover those hidden obstacles and take courageous steps toward your new dreams. It's time for you to tap into your potential, find fulfillment in life, and positively impact your surroundings.


Through the power of Tarot, I create a safe space where you can connect with your unconscious self and let your higher self emerge. This process brings about healing, authentic courage, and a broader perspective for my clients. You'll be amazed at how the Tarot can shed light on big decisions, relationships, career transitions, finances, pet-related matters, and even communicating with loved ones.


No matter what you're going through, I'm here to help you find answers and create a plan to move forward. As a professional Tarot advisor, I take a holistic and precise approach to addressing every complexity you bring to the table. I understand that life can be tough, especially during challenging times. That's why I offer intuitive, empathetic insights and guidance through the Tarot, covering everything from personal growth and self-development to trauma integration and career options.


At Cosmic Tarot, there's no such thing as "one-size-fits-all" offerings. I know that everyone has unique needs and considerations, so I always start our sessions by understanding what you want to work on and what you hope to achieve. Only then do I draw the cards, allowing us to embark on a transformative journey together.


So, are you ready to navigate life's twists and turns with the help of the Tarot? Let's get started!

Tarot Advising Sessions

This is an excellent option for those seeking guidance about a specific situation or wanting to try a Tarot advising session for the first time! I’m honored to assist you with personal growth, LGBTQ+ concerns, relationship issues, trauma integration, career advancement, well-being improvement, and spiritual guidance.


Most sessions allow for a five-card or ten-card analysis based on your inquiry, but this can vary depending on the subject matter. 

​My sessions are always as detailed as possible within the time allotted because my mission is to assist you in becoming the best version of yourself as we work through what brought you to see me. Your situation will be the determining factor in all aspects of our time together. Using empathy and intuition, I pride myself on providing a truly customized experience for each person. 


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